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Frequently Asked Questions

Dress Code and cell phones

General Guidelines

Cell phones: 

There are no cell phones, smart watches, or accessories (i.e. air pods or ear buds) allowed on campus.

Can my student wear pajamas to school?

No. Pajamas, including pajama bottoms or sleep shirts are not appropriate for the school environment. The only exception is Student Council sponsored Pajama Spirit Day if we have one. 

I noticed that my child came home with writing on her jeans. Is writing on clothing permitted at school?

We ask that students not wear clothing to school with writing on it. This encourages students to continue writing on other clothing at school.

Skirts and Shorts:

What is the best way to make sure my child's shorts or skirt is long enough?

Skirts - 6" below the bottom of the rear. This means the skirt is still visible when a child places their entire hand vertically under their rear. 

Shorts - 4" below the bottom of the rear. This means the shorts are still visible when a child places their entire hand horizontally under their rear.

No volleyball shorts allowed (i.e. Nike Pros).


Can my child wear sandals or flip-flops to school?

Flip-flops are not permitted. Sandals are permitted, but not recommended. We have multiple levels on this school site, and the more sure footed a student can be, the better. Full shoes or athletic shoes give the best support and balance.

Is special clothing required for PE?

No. However, students are expected to wear or change into shoes that are conducive for PE warm-ups, stretches, running and activities.


Does my child have to wear a belt on pants and jeans?

No. However, student pants must be pulled up high enough to cover underwear and lower back. If pants cannot stay up on their own, we recommend a belt.

Can jeans have rips or tears in them?

Yes, but the rips and tears need to be no higher that the appropriate length of shorts or skirts. See above to determine the best way to measure.

Can my child wear leggings or yoga pants to school?

Yes, but the shirt/sweatshirt needs to be within two fingers width of the waistband when the arms are down. 


Are spaghetti strap shirts allowed?

No. Sleeveless shirts are permitted, and straps are appropriate if they are as wide as two adult fingers.

Can my child wear spaghetti strap shirts if another shirt is worn below it?

Yes. Wearing a shirt over or underneath is allowable. However, if it is a shirt over, it must remain on.

Are there any other restrictions on what kids can wear?

Clothing with any obscene, inappropriate or alcohol/tobacco related messages are not permitted.


What happens if my child comes to school wearing something inappropriate?

It's always good for students to keep an extra shirt or jeans in their lockers in case something they are wearing may be inappropriate. We will ask he/she to change the clothing item, cover it up, or call a parent to bring another item to wear. We also keep clean t-shirts and sweatshirts available for students to borrow for the day. We only ask the he/she wash it and bring it back to the office. 

Are there any days when dress code is not in affect?


Independent Study

When taking students out of school for trips, Independent Study often comes up as an alternative. Here are some of the guidelines for Independent Study.

  1. You must be gone for at least 5 days.
  2. You need to request the leave at least 2 weeks in advance.
  3. Independent Study Contracts are not available the first two weeks of school or the last month of school.
  4. Student must finish all assigned work to receive credit. You will not get all days as absent free if work is not complete.
  5. Students may be responsible for missed tests and or quizzes upon return.

Independent Study is a great tool, but it can mislead families. Being in class is always the best way to stay on track, but we are aware families go on special and significant trips. If done right, Independent Study can be helpful to keep you on track. Before you leave, make sure students check in with teachers for what upcoming tests they will be making up or coming back for.

Fever and Illness Guidelines

Please keep your child home if they have a fever above 99 degrees and do not send them back to school until they have been fever-free for 24 hours without the use of fever-reducing medicine.

If your child is vomiting, please keep them home as well. However, students with broken bones, cough, sniffles, or sore throat can attend school.

For helpful hints and information on staying healthy this year, visit the Sonoma County Health Department link below.

Sonoma County Health Services

Testing Tips 

Successful test-takers tend to be students with good attendance, homework, and study habits; therefore, your daily assistance with homework and attitude toward school has the biggest impact on your students performance. However, there are key ways you can develop their test taking ability.

Optimize brain power: Make sure your student gets enough sleep and eats a good breakfast on test days, and make sure that your student attends school the day of the tests. Try not to plan any doctor or dental appointments on test days. 

Encourage good study habits and challenge critical thinking skills: Good reading skills factor heavily in a timed test, so encourage reading as much as possible. Testing also measures critical thinking ability, so ask your student to discuss ideas or voice his/her opinion often to stimulate these thought processes.

Provide practice opportunities: You can access the practice tests provided by the State Department of Education online, or at the CAASPP website. Be sure to time any practice tests so he/she is not surprised by the time constraints on test day. 

Relax and remain positive! The best test takers are confident, committed and at ease. Even if you are nervous about their performance, be wary of transferring that concern to you child. You never know, some students actually enjoy tests! When parents provide proper support and help them adequately prepare, they can create a positive test-taking experience.

Standards based tests are administered in April and go into May. Grade 6 tests in Math and Reading; Grade 7 tests in Math and Reading; and grade 8 tests in Math, Reading, Writing and Science.