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Twin Hills Athletics

Welcome to the Twin Hills Charter Middle School sports program! We are excited that your student has the opportunity to be a part of our program. We want to make this sports year a great experience for both students and parents.

Twin Hills has a well rounded, three season athletic program. We believe this assists students in building confidence, character, and school and community engagement. Our goal is that every participating student has an opportunity to be a part of an athletic team and that the experience will be positive. Students will learn a multitude of skills including communication, cooperation, sports skills, rules and regulations as well as sportsmanship. At Twin Hills we value and model sportsmanship. Our student athletes are held to high standards during and outside of their athletic participation. 

Students participating in our after school sports programs will have the potential to find their hidden talents and work towards their peak personal fitness levels. For some students this will be their first steps towards being a student athlete, while others will have more experience. Twin Hills does not cut any student as long as a student is eligible with grades and behavior. If necessary, Twin Hills will create two teams of equal skill level to allow as many students as possible to participate.

Sports packets are available in the Twin Hills office. Our hope is that being a student athlete enriches your students experience at Twin Hills. 


Team Schedules


  • 6th Girls Volleyball 

  • 6th/7th/8th Boys Flag Football

  • 7th/8th Girls Basketball 

  • 6th-8th Boys and Girls Cross County 


  • 7th/8th Girls Volleyball 

  • 7th/8th Boys Basketball 

  • 6th Girls Basketball

  • 6th Boys Basketball 


  • 6th-8th Girls Flag Football 

  • 6th-8th Boys Volleyball 

Twin Hills Union School District
Competitive Athletics Participation Report 2023-24
Twin Hills Charter Middle School
ITEM TOTAL Female Male
School Enrollment 203 110 93
Number of Student Athletes 122 65 57

Number of Middle School Sports Teams:

Basketball 6 3 3
Football 4 1 3
Volleyball 3 3  
Participation by Team:      
Grade 6 Basketball 24 10 14
Grade 7 Basketball 24 9 15
Grade 8 Basketball 25 15 10
Grade 6 Flag Football 19 4 15
Grade 7 Flag Football 22 9 13
Grade 8 Flag Football 17 5 12
Girls Flag Football 18 18  
Grade 6 Volleyball 17 17  
Grade 7 Volleyball 22 22  
Grade 8 Volleyball 20 20  
Boy's Volleyball 0 0  
Cross Country-all grades 13 6 7